• Stiftung SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh.. EN

    Stiftung SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh.. EN

    Nicole Deix, Secretariat Committees SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte "The StiftungsratsMandat.com / Boardplacement.com platform was of great benefit to us in our successful search for a new member of the SBS Board of Trustees. The platform offered us an extensive database of qualified and experienced candidates,...
  • Christian Hafner

    Christian Hafner

    Christian Hafner CEO Consilium Hafner AG , Zurich "I was contacted already by the President of the Board of Trustees in an uncomplicated and professional manner. We were able to communicate quickly and clarify fundamental issues. Boardplacement.com enables both sides to communicate efficiently without any loss of discretion. If you are looking...
  • Cristian Cordaro

    Cristian Cordaro

    Cristian Cordaro Raiffeisen, former member of the foundation board Stiftung Columban , Urnäsch "The whole selection process with the online database Stiftungsratsmandate.com convinced me it is easy to use and very efficient. We were also surprised by the high quality of the candidates: There were experienced, well-trained and motivated people...
  • Gabriela Niggli

    Gabriela Niggli

    Gabriela Niggli Marketing - Kommunication - Interim Management "Thanks to Boardplacement.com / VRMandat.com I came into contact with interesting companies and organizations. The platform allows a deeper and careful presentation of competences and personality. So I am now allowed to make a contribution to the board of trustees of an exciting...
  • Stiftung Columban

    Stiftung Columban

    Foundation board Foundation Columban , Urnäsch "We searched on Stiftungsratsmandat.com for candidates who would be an ideal addition to our team. There was a large selection and we found the profiles of two exciting candidates, whom we contacted and invited to our meeting as guests - that's how we got to know each other. It was a good fit, and we...

Content of the Database

Mandates per candidate

The number of mandates per candidate in our database:
